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All Foreign Languages

Random Chinese & Arabic characters with the word UNICODE

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  Have or want international clients?

  Want to caption or subtitle in a variety of languages?

  Why settle for "UNICODE supported" - whatever that is? - when you can have the AutoCaption captioning system which uses UNICODE throughout?

UNICODE is the only international standard which covers all known written languages -- including Sanskrit. 

AutoCaption is written for UNICODE which is why it runs only on the advanced UNICODE operating systems: Windows 2000®, Windows XP®, and Vista®.

Avoid obsolescence which may plague other systems. Give yourself the flexibility to caption in any known written language - with AutoCaption.

We also offer free software for your translators so you can quickly build multi-channel captioning.

More detailed information follows

Computers use numbers instead of characters.  Until UNICODE came along each language would use the same numbers to represent characters in their language.  Thus the 53rd character in French would be different from the 53rd character in Japanese.  More about UNICODE...

To figure out what was in a computer file one needed to know not only the language, but also, in many cases, which type foundry composed the font.

Fortunately the UNICODE Consortium was founded more than a decade ago to come up with one character numbering system for all known languages.  Machine tool manufacturers were particularly interested in making control displays which could readily switch languages.

Even Microsoft® cites the UNICODE standard as one of the reasons for the "New Technology" operating systems.  Windows 2000® and XP® are the first of these fully UNICODE operating systems.  More...


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