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The Captioning Process

Step 1: Transcribe what's said in the video Step 2: Breakup transcript into logical captions Step 3: Decide when and where captions will appear Step 4: Encode captions into video Transcribe, breakup, schedule, and encode process flow chart

With AutoCaption the processes for Closed Captioning and for subtitling (includingDVD) are the same.  The captioning process has four steps:

  1. Transcribing -- Getting what's said from the audio track into the computer.  You can do the transcribing right in AutoCaption, in your favorite word processing program, with speech recognition, through a transcription service, or you can use an use an existing script.

  2. Breakup Transcript Into Captions -- Making each caption.

  3. Schedule Captions -- Deciding when and where each caption appears on the screen.

  4. Encoding -- Merging your captions into the video.  Your or your client can do this step anywhere in the world with our free DynaCaption™ software.


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