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Downloading DynaCaption3TM

Adding captions to video with DynaCaption is as easy as pumping gas

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DynaCaption uses a DCAP file made by AutoCaptionTM to control your subtitling hardware.  The DCAP file works like a script or EDL (Edit Decision List) to tell DynaCaption when each caption needs to appear.

Technical Requirements

  • A Windows® 2000, XP or Vista operating system
  • 256Meg bytes of RAM
  • 800MHz or faster CPU
  • SoundBlaster® or compatible audio with a line or mic input
  • 3.5mm (1/4") male Phone jack to two male RCA jacks Y-adapter audio cable like this one will connect your computer sound card input to most SMPTE time code sources you might want to synchronize with:
    Picture of a suitable cable may not be visible in Mozilla
    Radio Shack
    ® part number 42-2551

The DynaCaption help system included in this download has lots of information about connecting to different audio and time code sources.

Inserter/Encoder Compatibility

Compatible with nearly all line 21 closed caption inserters that have a RS-232 interface and are suitable for real time stenocaptioning applications.

We recommend and have confirmed our system's compatibility with closed caption encoders made by Norpak and Ultech.  Other line 21 encoder manufacturers are EEG, Evertz, SoftTouch, and Link Electronics.  Links to inserter/encoder vendors...

The DynaCaption help system has more information about connecting your computer to these encoders.


Click to start downloadingThe version 3.00 build 271 (Multibyte) DynaCaption3 installation package is about 3.354K file.

Click here to download a "zipped" version if your firewall won't permit executable files to be downloaded.

Downloading is easy, but if you're new to the process or have any questions, check out our Download Cookbook for a step-by-step description of what will happen when downloading.

Important Legal Notice:  By downloading any of the above software you agree that Image Logic® Corporation is in no way liable for the performance or uses to which the software is put.  You further agree to not use this software to reverse engineer, duplicate, or model software from.

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