Free ApproveCaption™
ApproveCaption TM lets anyone on the Internet see captioned video.
AutoCaptionTM will make a compact ACP file that ApproveCaption uses to display closed captions or subtitles on a media file. It's the perfect way to get approvals before making a captioned video or DVD.
If someone already has a media file all they need to see captions is ApproveCaption and an ACP file made by AutoCaption. If your audience doesn't already have a media file you can include low resolution media in the ACP file for one-click viewing anywhere the Internet goes.
To view the HealthVid.acp file downloaded above you will also need to download and install the free ApproveCaption software. |
So use the Internet to deliver captioned media for approval. Simply. Quickly. And free! |
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Artwork ©Image Logic Corporation
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